Create: A Beginning of Possibilities

Government Polytechnic Doyang, Wokha conducted a one-day event on 13-03-23 with the theme, ‘Create: A Beginning of Possibilities.’ Five competitions were conducted under this, which were: Model making, Videography, Photography, Quiz and Crossword. The event started with a short programme chaired by Miss Mengunuo Kere, Lecturer who warmly welcomed all the faculty and students. The programme was highlighted and a short speech was delivered by the Principal, Er. V. Julia Achumi on the theme. She encouraged the students to be open to new ideas to create solutions as young technocrats or innovators. She also emphasized how the theme resonated with the Institute motto, that is, Create, Enhance and Excel and prompted the students to actively participate with enthusiasm and interest. Following this, the activities proceeded with much anticipation.

The students were grouped into three teams and each team actively participated with much team spirit. In the model making competition, three models were presented based on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Louvre Museum and Geodesic dome. Videography competition followed where the teams presented short videos on the theme, ‘What I like about my Institute.’ This was followed by the photography competition on the theme, ‘Nature and built environment.’ After a short break, the quiz session followed which was coupled with a lot of laughter and enthusiastic competition among the three teams. The crossword competition marked the end of the day’s events.

The prize distribution ensued, and the winners were declared as:

Model making: Jokholu Nienu and Renchamo Yanthan

Videography: Jokholu Nienu and Renchamo Yanthan

Photography: Lumzila Sangtam

Quiz: Jokholu Nienu and Renchamo Yanthan

Crossword: A. Hengwalo Tep

The judges for the competitions were: Ar. David Jamir, Er. Vivi Kiso and Er. Visakhotuo Angami.

The event concluded successfully, and it was met with vigorous participation. It provided an opportunity to explore the creative minds of both the students and the event organizers. It served as an artistic and imaginative outlet for expression of ideas and designs.

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